. Exercise 1. Вставьте предлоги аt, in, about 1. I started work this morning 8____ am. 2. Are you going away___ Easter? 3. Liz is coming___three days. 4. He has never complained_____ bad service in our hotel. 5. There are lots of managers____ my company


Exercise 1. Вставьте предлоги аt, in, about

1. I started work this morning 8____ am.

2. Are you going away___ Easter?

3. Liz is coming___three days.

4. He has never complained_____ bad service in our hotel.

5. There are lots of managers____ my company​
Английский язык
admin 19.05.2023 30

Ответ учителя:

1. at 8 am*
2. at
3. in
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