Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past или Future Indefinite по смыслу. 1. She (cook) a meal tomorrow. 2. We (play) football yesterday. 3. She (look) at the child at that moment. 4. He (wash) his car next morning. 5. We (see) an aeroplane yesterday.


Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past или Future Indefinite по смыслу. 1. She (cook) a meal tomorrow. 2. We (play) football yesterday. 3. She (look) at the child at that moment. 4. He (wash) his car next morning. 5. We (see) an aeroplane yesterday.
Английский язык
admin 19.05.2023 38

Ответ учителя:

she will cook a meal tomorrow. we played football . she is looking at the child. He will washing his car. we saw an aeroplane yesterday. Все правильно потому что я хожу на репетиторство
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